Friday, March 26, 2010

K'Nice's Fashion Do's and WONT'S: Wearing Shades INSIDE


So, nothing screams douche bag and or " im a attention seeker" more then wearing shades inside a building. FACT. Yes we know that in some cases your shades cost some $$$, ( most times NOT and are fake) and that they cost so much and because they cost so much or look so cool that they literally re-define the actual name of the established eye covering device brilliantly named "Sun-Glasses, or "Shades."  Yeah that cool. or maybe its YOU. I mean other then the boo-zoo's who are stoned and seek to cover there eyes because there eyes are blood shot red, yet still not a excuse for this utter display of wackness, let me re assure you, you are NOT I repeat not that cool, no matter how much you make, NO matter how good they look on your face, not matter how well they compliment who you are with, IT is wack to wear sunglasses inside a building. 

ill re-iterate :

 "Im just saying.......Oh you Mad? Cry me a river, it is what it IS."



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